Table des Matières
Trainers are one of the two cores of creating an academy, so managing your academy trainers should be your first step as an admin into the account.
To manage your trainers: #
- Click the Trainers tab from the sidebar, and a table of the academy trainers shows alongside their data.
- Click the Settings tab.
- Check the Trainers Registration checkbox to activate trainers’ registration.
- Check the corresponding checkbox to allow trainers to create courses.
- Check the corresponding checkbox to allow trainers to publish courses.
- Check the Trainers Section checkbox to activate the trainers’ section.
- By choosing from the drop-down list, you can give the trainers another role, like an admin role or/and a trainee role.
- Click Save to update your settings.

To add trainers: #
- Click the Trainers tab from the sidebar.
- Click the Create Trainer tab.
- Add the trainers manually by typing their names and emails, then click the Create button, and the system will create the passwords, or download the template of the Excel sheet and fill it with the trainers’ data, and then upload it to import all trainers at once and click Import.
Note: You can email the trainers to inform them of the password.

To manage registration fields: #

To group several trainers: #