Placement Exam

A placement exam is a test given by the academy to determine a trainee’s academic or skill level, especially a new trainee, to place them in the correct Category/Course.

To create a placement exam: #
  1. Click the Placement Exams tab from the sidebar.
  2. Choose the test type (Exam or Survey).
  3. Type the title. Placement Exam is recommended.
  4. Check the corresponding checkbox to show the score to trainees if needed.
  5. Check the corresponding checkbox to suggest courses or categories for the trainees to be enrolled in based on their score percentage.    
  6. Repeat the steps for suggested courses or categories in different percentages until completed.
  7. Check the Private checkbox if you don’t want the exam to show on the landing page.
  8. Set the publish date of the exam.
  9. Set the cutoff date of the exam.
  10. Click the Next button if you want to add comments or passed/failed message.
  11. Click Create to save your settings and take you to the next step: Adding Questions.

After creating the exam, it’s time to add the questions. The platform offers several question types for your help.

To add a question: #
  1. Click the “?” icon next to the exam to which you want to add questions.
  2. Select the question type from the drop-down list.
  3. Type the question in the Question Body textbox.
  4. Type the question mark.
  5. Type/choose the correct answer. (It differs according to the question type.)
  6. Check the Add to academy questions bank checkbox to add your question to the academy questions bank.
  7. Click Create to add your question.
  8. Repeat the same steps until you finish adding all of your exam questions.