
Table des Matières

Corporate users can manage their trainees without having access to the academy, starting with adding, editing, or deleting them.

To manage corporates: #
  1. Click the Corporates tab in the sidebar.
  2. Use the Settings box to allow corporates to add accounts on your academies and to give corporates multiplied rules like a trainee or/and a trainer.
  3. Use the Create Corporate box to add a corporate account by typing its name and email, then clicking the Create button and the password appears in a pop-up window.
  4. Use the Groups box to create groups of many corporates.
  5. Use the Manage Registration Field box to add registration form fields.
  6. Use the Extra Registrations Fields box to arrange, edit, and delete fields.
  7. Use the Corporates table to do many actions like:
    • Exporting the table as an Excel sheet
    • Managing the table columns
    • Editing users