
Table des Matières

Discounts attract the highest number of trainees. Every course system should have discount/coupon deals. That’s why Classera Academy offers you the best coupons there are.

To create a coupon: #
  1. Click the Courses tab from the sidebar.
  2. From the three dots button, click Coupons.
  3. Choose whether this promo code is valid for multiple usages or just a single use from the radio buttons.
  4. Type the coupon code. For example: CA10
  5. Type the number of maximum usage.
  6. Choose whether this promo code is valid for the courses alongside their content or just the courses from the radio buttons.
  7. Select the courses to which this coupon can be applied.
  8. Choose whether the discount is a fixed amount or a percentage of the total cost from the radio buttons and type it.
  9. Set an expiry date for the coupon.
  10. Click Create to create your coupon.