Styles and Academy Settings

This page allows you to adjust and customize your academy according to your preference.

To manage styles and academy settings: #
  1. Click the Styles & Academy Settings tab from the sidebar.
  2. Upload your main logo, secondary logo, and favorite icon.
  3. Adjust your primary and secondary colors by clicking them and choosing the required color. These are the colors of your academy interface.
  4. Use the toggles to adjust the general options according to your preference.
  5. Click the Password Complexity button to manage settings like the password length and components. Don’t forget to save!!
  6. Choose the primary and secondary languages.
  7. Choose the base and the default currencies.
  8. Click Save to save your settings.
To manage academy details: #
  1. Click the Styles & Academy Settings tab from the sidebar.
  2. Click the Academy Details tab.
  3. Upload an introductory video from your device by choosing Video from the drop-down list. Alternatively, you can upload a video from YouTube or Vimeo by copying and pasting the link.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Add a No Reply Email with which the users can contact the academy.
  6. Add the academy details like its name, country, email, etc.
  7. Click Save to save your settings.
To manage banners: #
  1. Click the Styles & Academy Settings tab from the sidebar.
  2. Click the Banners tab.
  3. Type the title of the banner both in English and Arabic.
  4. Type the button text both in English and Arabic.
  5. Type a description for the banner both in English and Arabic.
  6. Upload your banner. (We suggest uploading banners in the size of 1920x1200px approximately for it to properly fit on the landing page.)
  7. Upload your banner in the mobile size. (We suggest uploading banners in the size of approximately 856x1852px for it to Properly fit on the landing page.)
  8. Choose the font and size of the title, button text and description from the drop-down lists.
  9. Select the color of the title, button text and description by clicking the required color.
  10. Type the background opacity and radius in the number fields.
  11. Click Save to save your settings.
To manage templates: #
  1. Click the Styles & Academy Settings tab from the sidebar.
  2. Click the Templates tab.
  3. A number of templates appear, browse them by clicking the maximize button to view the template in full screen mood.
  4. Click the button to choose the required one.
  5. Click Save.
To manage advanced options: #
  1. Click the Styles & Academy Settings tab from the sidebar.
  2. Click the Advanced Options tab.
  3. Several advanced options appear to help you:
    • Advanced style option: It’s used to adjust the style (font – size – color) of the overall of the site, the navigation bar, the sub menu, the logo, the login and signup, the banners, the footer, the breadcrumbs and the profile.
    • Courses Tile Styles: It’s used to adjust the style (size – color) of the courses’ tile, icon, title, category, packages, description, date, registration date, credit hours, price, type and trainer.
    • Fonts Management: It’s used to browse all available fonts for your academy and to add your own fonts as well.
    • Email Templates: It’s used to view and edit all email templates available for your academy.
    • Trainees Subscription: It’s used to create subscriptions for the trainees to buy and benefit from the academy by setting a price and period.
    • Integrations: It’s used to allow and manage how third parties integrate with your platform. For example, Microsoft, you can add a button on the academy login page that will allow users to sign in/sign up using this platform.
    • Code Snippets: It’s used to create codes to allow you more control over the platform