Courses Settings

Through the Courses Settings section, you can specify the archiving of the courses and whether to show the categories flow in the home page or not. Moreover, you can force the packages and learning path flow, in addition to showing courses and courses calendar.

  • Select the Courses Archive checkbox to enable archiving courses.
  • Select the Show Categories Flow on the Landing Page checkbox to show the categories flow on the landing page.
  • Select the Courses Package Flow checkbox to show the course package flow.
  • Select the Force Learning Path Flow checkbox to show the learning path flow.
  • Select the Show Courses on Landing Page Only After Login checkbox to show the courses on the landing page only for those who have login credentials.
  • Select the Courses Calendar checkbox to show the courses calendar.
  • Select from the Courses Default Sort drop-down list, the default sorting method for the courses. Or just leave it to be by the default sorting.
  • Select from the Courses Scroll Beahviour drop-down list, the preferred scrolling method for the courses.