Setting up Workflows: Utilities

1 min read

انقر على Workflows tab from the sidebar to open the Workflows page.

Configuring the Workflow #
  1. Fill in the workflow details.
  2. Choose the Type of Users to link the workflow to (Corporates, Trainers, or Trainees).
  3. Enter the Workflow Title in both English and Arabic.
Assigning the Workflow #
  1. Choose how to assign the workflow:
    • Automatic Assignment: Assign the workflow automatically to new users.
    • Form-Based Assignment: Assign the workflow when a form is submitted.
      • In this case, admins must create a custom page that includes a form.
      • The workflow will then be visible in the Trainee’s account.
Adding Workflow Levels #
  1. Add levels to the workflow:
    • Enter the Level Title in both English and Arabic.
    • Specify the Number of Steps for the level.
    • Choose whether the level should be Bypassable أو Downgradable.
  2. Write the Template Email for approval or rejection notifications.
  3. انقر على "انضم الآن". "اضافة" to create the level.
Managing Workflow Owners & Users #
  1. "اضافة" Owners (Admins or Corporates) to the levels.
  2. Assign users to manage the workflow status (Approve or Decline).
Viewing Workflow Status #
  1. The workflow status will be visible in the Trainee’s account.
  1. Add Owners (Adminsالمؤسسات) to the hierarchy levels.
  2. Assign users to manage the workflow status (Approve or Decline).
  3. The Trainee account will display the status.