
Table of Contents

The first step to start your training journey is creating courses. We provide this easily and clearly.  

To create a course: #
  1. Click the Courses tab from the sidebar, and the Courses table shows. It’s created in an easy way for you to be able to search for a specific course.
  2. Click the Create Course button.
  3. Upload a course image. It will be the main image of the course on the Courses page. 
  4. Upload a course banner. It will be shown on the Course Details page.
  5. Select the course’s type (recorded or live).  If you choose live, you must select the course location (online – onsite – hybrid).
  6. Add the course title, both in English and Arabic, and add the flag, a unique ID for this course.  
  7. Select the main category and the subcategory for this course. 
  8. Choose the trainer. (The search bar can make it easy.) 
  9. Choose whether you want this course to be free or paid and if paid, type the total cost of the course, the trainer’s percentage, and the discounts.
  10. Type the credit hours and the trainer payment per credit hour.
  11. Adjust more options if needed.
  12. Click Next Step to add detailed information about the course.
  13. Add the course’s objectives and the requirements, both in English and Arabic.
  14. Add this course’s short and detailed description, both in English and Arabic.  
  15. Click Create, and your course is ready to go!